My Manifesto

A place for my rants and ramblings. Expect anything from daily life to outraged indictments.

My Photo
Location: Some mountain, Rockies, United States

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fun with shaped charges

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I am a Right Wing Extremist

It's official. The Department of Homeland Security now categorizes me in the same group as Racists and Domestic hate groups.

Read about it in this report to law enforcement agencies nationwide.

Here is the new definition of "Right Wing Extremist"

"Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly anti government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration."

I fall into the group that favors state and local authority, a view that I share with our founding fathers. I care deeply about our country and the direction it's spiraling into and I don't see anything good coming out of DC these days. The whole thing is a shit sandwich and brother...I'm just not that hungry.

And another thing. I'm getting awful sick and tired of defending myself against labels.

I don't support the Obama so I'm called a racist.
I think the Federal govt is out of control so I'm called an extremist.
I think Sharia Law should be banished so I'm called a hater.

Every time I turn around the "enlightened" crowd has another disparaging name for me so I have one just for them.


Monday, April 13, 2009

One shot One kill.....

So, some Somali pirates try to hijack an American ship. Due to the fighting spirit of the crew and the bravery of the Captain, All they got was a lifeboat and a hostage.

Enter the US Navy.

The Navy responded in force but didn't want to repeat the Frenchs mistake and get a hostage killed. Instead...they called in a SEAL team. These guys parachuted in and took positions on the warship's fantail and waited for the shot. It wasn't to be a single shot but 3 simultaneous shots from 3 separate SEALs. With their targets holding an AK47 to the captains back on the rolling deck of the lifeboat the order was given. Three triggers were squeezed and three Somali wannabe pirates were dead before they hit the deck. All three were perfect headshots.

The Navy has a Motto for this kind of confidence and training. It's called a "Can do" attitude.

Can Do boys...Can DO!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My head is about to explode

I've tried biting my tongue but it's so bloody and swollen that I just can't do it anymore. I know we're all expected to be more culturally sensitive these days...more accepting of other peoples beliefs and values but I'm done with that bullshit. If something is wrong, it's always wrong.


These are all things that not just some...but entire societies still think are acceptable.

They also describe the new life of an 8 year old girl in Saudi Arabia.

Her FATHER gave her to a 47 year old man to settle a debt. He has promised not to consummate the marriage until she enters puberty.


This eight year old girl has nothing but rape, servitude and humiliation to look forward to.

I call BULLSHIT on the entire deal. This is fucked up far beyond all recognition. The entire world should be outraged by this and our new Secretary of State should be tearing into this like a pitbull in a petting zoo. I doubt she'll have much to say about it as we just can't go around insulting wealthy Arabs.

If I were in the room with this little girls father, or the man that bought her, or the judge that made it all legal....I kick every one of their asses to a bloody pulp!

This isn't the first time either. This crap has been going on for CENTURIES. Their own scripture describes Mohammad taking a child as a wife.

Their religion says this is all ok and good.

It's also ok to murder or rape any female that makes you feel dishonored, especially if she's your wife, sister, or daughter.

The more I learn about this culture...the less I respect it.